Type - Religious
State - Vic
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Glazing on the main facade, a generous forecourt and a covered verandah are designed to make the mosque more visually open.

Radical and poetic: Australian Islamic Centre of Newport

Glenn Murcutt and Elevli Plus

In the western suburbs of Melbourne, a landmark mosque designed by Glenn Murcutt and Elevli Plus assumes a contemporary architectural language that abstracts the conventional symbols of Islamic places of worship.

Public / cultural
The Our Lady of the Southern Cross Chapel, shared by two schools in Berwick, Victoria, features a radial plan anchored by a ten-metre-high cross tower.

Our Lady of the Southern Cross Chapel

Branch Studio’s chapel forges a new connection between two suburban schools, serving dual purpose as a sacred and a civic space.

Public / cultural
The perpendicular alignment of the pews
and the entry and alter creates an intimate space.

Saint Mary of the Cross, MacKillop Chapel

Sensory engagement is a defining feature of a Melbourne chapel by Woods Bagot.

A new concrete wing has been grafted onto the original red brick church.

Cook Islands Uniting Church, Clayton

Harmer Architecture congregates church, factory, house and Polynesian pavilion.

Public / cultural