A house damaged by bushfires in the Kinglake complex, in Steels Creek. Photo taken by myself with verbal permission of the owners, 10th of February, 2009. by Nick Carson

90% of buildings in bushfire-prone areas aren’t built to survive fires. A national policy can start to fix this

Smart town planning is key to avoiding bushfire risk, but diverse planning policies across local, state and federal governments create confusion and expose communities risk.

The Riverlink Building is part of a broader masterplan to reconnect the parallel corridors of Maitland’s High Street and Riverside Walk.
Projects | Kerry Clare and Sueanne Ware | 15 May 2019

Ebbs and flows: Maitland Riverlink

Chrofi with McGregor Coxall’s revival of the city centre of Maitland, New South Wales, is a sublime lesson in addition and subtraction. Chrofi’s gateway building is a delicate aperture in the otherwise solid streetscape, forging a strong connection between city and river.

Parckfarm allows local residents to come together to grow fruit and vegetables and keep chickens, ducks and goats as a part of extending private gardening into the public realm. The Parckfarm project is run by non-profit organization Parckfarm T&T.


Parckfarm is an interactive project in Brussels, Belgium that invites visitors to explore new park typologies through art installations, agricultural performances, workshops and community gardens.

The path system allows for unexpected juxtapositions.
Projects | Sueanne Ware | 30 Oct 2014

Strangely familiar: Mount Penang Gardens

The Mount Penang Gardens are considered an enduring and radical contribution to public garden design in Australia.

Spaces are controlled and formal along Kendall Lane.
Projects | Sueanne Ware | 23 Sep 2013

New Acton Precinct

Canberra’s New Acton Precinct incorporates art, retail, hospitality facilities and apartment complexes.

A detachable stage sits inside the red-striped circle.
Projects | Sueanne Ware | 10 Dec 2011

Franklin Wharf improvements

Oculus explores how Franklin Wharf is, and could be, simultaneously occupied by members of the public and local dock workers.