Filters 2 results for
Category - Health
Year completed - 2016
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2 results for


Category - Health
Year completed - 2016
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The hospital’s facade is modulated by tall, narrow forms that take cues from terrace housing.

Angle of repose: Bendigo Hospital

Suffused with a conscious connection to place and community, Bendigo’s new hospital designed by Silver Thomas Hanley and Bates Smart fosters a sense of repose with quiet confidence and civic gravitas.

Hit-and-miss brickwork crowns the public entry, which faces the site’s northern boundary and carpark rather than the street.

Domesticated commercial: North Lakes Veterinary Hospital

In its design of a veterinary hospital for a rapidly growing suburb north of Brisbane, Vokes and Peters has returned to basics, catering to staff, clients and animals with “precision and care.”
