Jardan Perth

IF Architecture’s strat­e­gy for the design of Jardan’s Perth show­room is con­sis­tent with it approach to their retail loca­tions in Mel­bourne, Syd­ney and Bris­bane. Name­ly, to cre­ate a relaxed and wel­com­ing envi­ron­ment, which show­cas­es Jardan’s beau­ti­ful fur­ni­ture, light­ing and home­wares in nat­ur­al-feel­ing domes­tic settings. Like these oth­er show­rooms, Jardan’s new Perth home draws on the spir­it of the loca­tion – specif­i­cal­ly, an old lime­stone build­ing on the Stir­ling High­way near the turn-off to Cottes­loe Beach – to give fresh expres­sion to the Jar­dan brand.

The colours and tex­tures here, on floors and on walls, tell a sto­ry about the West­ern Aus­tralian land­scape. The inte­ri­or places Jar­dan square­ly in that landscape. Every year, the wild­flower sea­son draws peo­ple out of Perth and into the desert. It begins in June in the north of the state and flows down to the south over the fol­low­ing months, with car­pets of vivid colour spring­ing up from the red sand. Our design cel­e­brates this won­der­ful nat­ur­al phe­nom­e­non with a pat­tern of colour­ful nat­ur­al stone laid into the ter­raz­zo floor, which leads cus­tomers along a mean­der­ing path­way through the showroom. The path­way of stone “flow­ers” is flanked by curved walls clad in tim­ber veneer, the com­bi­na­tion of organ­ic shapes and tex­tures evok­ing feel­ings of being among nature.

In the sec­tion of the show­room that occu­pies the orig­i­nal build­ing, the rough earth­i­ness of the bare lime­stone walls cre­ates a com­pelling sense of con­trast against the pol­ished floor and refined tex­tures of Jardan’s products. Tucked into one cor­ner, a dis­play area for chairs and stools ris­es up like a stylised rocky out­crop in the inte­ri­or landscape.

By cre­at­ing these moments with­in the larg­er space – the rocky out­crop; the fur­ni­ture arranged to form dis­creet “rooms”; the irreg­u­lar, organ­ic form of the sales counter – and link­ing them with the stone path­way, we cre­at­ed an inte­ri­or that takes cus­tomers on a jour­ney. It entices them deep­er into the show­room, encour­ages them to explore every cor­ner, and inspect every product.

Posi­tion­ing the entrance to the show­room at the rear of the build­ing, away from the busy high­way, enabled us to estab­lish a calmer, qui­eter arrival sequence for customers. Instead of step­ping in off the street, or straight from the carpark, they pass through a beau­ti­ful­ly land­scaped open-air space fea­tur­ing Jardan’s out­door fur­ni­ture. And then into a liv­ing room.

The expe­ri­ence of vis­it­ing Jar­dan Perth is less like enter­ing a fur­ni­ture store and more like being wel­comed into a home.

Category: Commercial
Type: Adaptive re-use, Retail
Company IF Architecture
Instagram @ifarchitecture
Phone 03 9046 1...
Locations Collingwood, VIC