Jardan Sydney

This multilevel showroom filters Jardan’s “beautiful yet relaxed” brand through the colour and light of Sydney. It’s a welcoming, comfortable space designed to draw in a new wave of customers.

The relo­ca­tion of Jardan’s Syd­ney oper­a­tions from Rose­bery to Oxford Street pro­vid­ed an oppor­tu­ni­ty to attract a new retail cus­tomer base while main­tain­ing a strong offer to archi­tects and designers. Tak­ing our cue from the easy-going beau­ty cen­tral to the brand’s iden­ti­ty, we designed a show­room that feels less like a gallery and more like a home.

Larg­er fur­ni­ture pur­chas­es typ­i­cal­ly come after mul­ti­ple vis­its to a show­room, so we designed a space to sup­port this – one that invites the cru­cial first vis­it and then com­pels those cus­tomers to return. The design of the Syd­ney show­room reflects this, with a colour palette inspired by art and design fam­i­lies con­nect­ed to the local area – the likes of John Olsen and his daugh­ter Louise, co-founder of Dinosaur Designs, and Brett Whiteley.

IF Architecture’s approach to colour here is per­haps most notice­able in the warm pink of the cen­tral stair­way. In plan, its sweep­ing curves describe a naïve heart-shape; in prac­tice, its colour and warmth, and its organ­ic, sculp­tur­al form, entice vis­i­tors to explore all three lev­els of the showroom.

The design of fit­tings, the gen­er­ous use of nat­ur­al tim­ber and stone, and the mer­chan­dis­ing of prod­uct to cre­ate domes­tic “rooms” with­in the larg­er space cre­ate the impres­sion of walk­ing through a beau­ti­ful Syd­ney home. For retail cus­tomers, there is a sense of aspi­ra­tion in this, but aspi­ra­tion that is with­in reach. And it pro­vides a con­text where they can more eas­i­ly visu­alise Jardan’s prod­ucts in their own homes. It also cre­ates nat­ur­al-feel­ing loca­tions for inter­ac­tions between cus­tomers and the sales team. They might sit with each oth­er on a sofa to look through fab­ric swatch­es, for exam­ple, or perch at the long kitchen island bench with a fresh­ly brewed espres­so to sign a contract.

The new show­room rep­re­sents a marked trans­for­ma­tion of a build­ing that had seen bet­ter days. Built in 1924, it had most recent­ly accom­mo­dat­ed a ground-floor book­shop with offices upstairs. A her­itage over­lay restrict­ed sig­nif­i­cant exter­nal change, and engi­neer­ing works were required to rein­force floors and walls, set­ting the stage for a com­plete­ly reimag­ined inte­ri­or architecture.

IF Architecture’s work here has giv­en Jar­dan an inspir­ing new home that proud­ly presents their brand and prod­ucts to Sydney.

Category: Commercial, Interiors
Type: Adaptive re-use, Retail
Company IF Architecture
Instagram @ifarchitecture
Phone 03 9046 1...
Locations Collingwood, VIC